Where ideas become certain

03 - Robert Mann

Spacious art: intended to give your being a break. A gap. Even just for a moment. – Robert Mann 

I’m no Stranger to the Brewery Artist Lofts but if you are, at one point it was quoted as the "world's largest art complex." Naturally, the energy inside the compound is overflowing with creativity. While at the same time, every resident artists space remains individually unique. Robert’s studio has its own flow to it. His use of earth tones in his work palettes balance well with all the other natural materials that fill his studio. After arriving, we sat down and had a coffee.  Traditionally, we found ourselves immediately immersed in deep conversation. Something I know we both enjoy is conversation about the mind. Two topics that carried us as we began to shoot, were the challenges we both faced in simplifying our both wildly curious minds and practicing self love. In this moment, I came to learn that  Robert had been taught Buddhism from a very young age. A few months ago in August, I completed from my first 10 day silent meditation retreat, so these topics felt all too welcomed. We both agreed that a curious mind is such a beautiful attribute. However, with all the adventures it brings, it can cause a constant pursuit of peace and a deep craving to be more present. 

With my camera in hand, I headed up the spiral staircase to the 2nd open level. "Watch your step, there is no railing up there”, I remember Robert reminding me. From the lofted space I was reintroduced to the sense of tranquility through the minimal set up. 1 long wooden table, 1 large black leather couch and a few work tables covered in brushes, hammers, saws, wood sanders and paint. It could have been as if we were in a hidden cabin in the mountains. Nevertheless, a short step out the front door quickly resets you where we were. Staring out at the sun setting behind the distant Downtown LA skyline with the sound of the occasional passing trains. 

There is a philosophy behind allowing oneself to take a break in their stride, letting something steal our attention away from the "what else" or otherwise naturally being able to slow down and ponder one extra moment at how we feel. I believe the combination of mindfulness and these other key practices are what bring Robert's spacious art from idea, to something certain. 

See more of Roberts art linked below.

Instagram - @robertmann.studio
Singulart - https://www.singulart.com/en/artist/robert-mann-8747

Where ideas become certain


Porsche at the Petersen