Where ideas become certain

04 - Wyatt Mills

While spending an afternoon with Wyatt, for the first time, I got to experience “poetry” but as a verb. Through his deep registry of influential artist and poets, I slowly began to understand his unique approach to painting. He phrased it as, "using painting as the short hand to the raw emotion".  His road to expression is filled with experimentation and  layers. Then followed simply by his genuine excitement to just pick up a paint brush. 
After spending some time in the studio it became more noticeable a lot of his paintings did not start and end with the same beginning. Wyatt explained his hope was that there would be enough illusions and associations settled within the layers. Leaving the viewer to almost daydream from their own conciseness,  while still maintaining site of the messages in each piece. For example, "Tumbleweed of Human Conflict", is a painting that is filled with the emotions of entanglement and uncertainty. It expressed to me how tangled and blinded we can become being distracted by chaos. Blinding our own perception of the peace we could have sitting right in front of us. Yet, every time I’d pass by, I found more reminders of evolution and expansion. 
For me, the idea of chaos falls into the category of unpredictability. Within Wyatts process I found constant reminders of getting out of your own way. Admitting when something is not working; then remaining open, optimistic, and curious to the changes that are soon to follow. Thank you again for your time Wyatt. 

You can see more of Wyatt’s work below:

Instagram - @wyatt.mills


The best poets put periods when they’re not supposed to be

The styles are a lie - Le Corbusier

It's simply about being excited for the activity

Our job as an artist is to be an observer

The more you look at it, the more it reveals

“Using painting as the short hand to the raw emotion” - Wyatt Mills


A quick visit to Sublime


Where ideas become certain